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Description: SiltaiSaltai is new Lithuanian children fashion brand, created in 2012. The inspiration for our ideas comes out by observing children ability to create extraordinary things from nothing. The main goal of this brand is not only creating clothes for children, but also providing our friends and clients the idea of social inclusion, social sustainability, human rights and other key values. We are participating in many different social initiatives, helping bring to society the idea of social cohesion. Only when you are surrounded by children you can truly understand what creativity is all about. That’s how the idea of knitting and suing unique design clothes come to live.
Price: 35.00 Eur/pcs
Special price: 25.00 Eur/pcs
Min. Order Quantity: 1 pcs
Max. Quantity per Month: 20 pcs
Payment: Bank
Special offers: 25 eur in case of 10 units oder




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