International transport / logistic service by tank trucks, cisterns, tilt trailers in all Europe

Description: Company LICATRANS UAB was established in year 2010, in Lithuania, Kaunas city. We are successfully transporting LIQUID and BULK cargoes by specialized transport sort TANKER TRUCKS in all geographical territory of Europe. More detail information about practice of your company you can find here:
From beginning of activity our company was constantly improving quality of its services, developed rapidly and established own name in international level, obtained partners almost in every Europe country. Team of LICATRANS workers have gained a lot of experience in the complex specialized field of liquid cargo shipment, we obtained a name of reliable partner in the Europe shipment market. International credit rating agency have assigned a high credit rating to our company and each year our company is awarded with THE STRONGEST IN LITHUANIA nomination of national selection of the reliable companies, we have our own exchange of cargo - LICATRANS EXCHANGE. Considering all these fact, many international companies and national enterprises in different countries have entrusted us long-termed contracts of international transport services.
In 2014 LICATRANS UAB, by further development of own spectrum of shipment services and in order to respond to the needs and tendencies of the market, through implementation of the collected experience, has established a separate logistics department, which provides services of the pre-packed cargo shipment by TILT TRAILERS and REFRIGERATOR semitrailers in all Europe.
Therefore currently our company is also shipping different type of cargos on pallets (pre-packed cargos), for which during shipment:
Temperature regime isn’t necessary (tilt trailers, tautliners, road trains, high-cubes, mega);
Temperature maintenance is necessary (thermo-insulated semitrailers; isotherms);
Controlled temperature regime is necessary (refrigerators).
We offer shipment of this kind of cargos in the way courses between following countries: Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Benelux countries, Bulgaria, Scandinavian countries, Russia, Belarus.
Lately we often have vacant vehicles with TAUTLINERS and REFRIGRATOR semi-trailers, which can load cargos of the above presented sorts to your country or from your country in different directions, in all territory of Europe. Therefore currently we are intensively searching in your country for producers, traders, shipment-logistics, warehousing and intermediating companies, which would be able to offer our company orders of transportation of pre-pre-packed cargos in different courses.
We offer to transport your cargoes with a guarantee of the following:
High service level and competitive transportation tariffs;
High quality and professional provision of the services from cargo loading until the final implementation of the service;
Possibility to sign long-term contract with flexible payment terms;
Unconditional compliance with provisions of the mutual contracts and all International Conventions;
Competitive, operative consultations and professional solutions;
Different cargo shipment courses, not in one or few countries;
Possibility to find free trailer of necessary type according to location of your cargo in any country of Europe.
If your company has a possibility to offer us transport pre-packed cargos in any international courses by TILT or REFRIGERATOR semi-trailers, immediately inform us in below presented contact information. Or all information can be presented here:
And we obligate you to present a competitive shipment offer, which will be really interesting to you. We hope that you are interested in this our offer and thank you for your time. Looking forward and hoping of close cooperation in the future.
Respectfully yours,
Savanoriu pr.363, LT-49425 Kaunas, Lithuania
Tel: +370 37 779 401 / Fax: +370 37 779 404
E-mail: / Web: / Skype: licatrans
Payment: Bank
Looking for: Cargo senders, producers, traders
Category: Transport services and logistics , Category: Road transport