Arnika - all logistics services

Description: Services of customs warehouse / customs terminal:
Storage of goods in commercial and customs warehouses.
Loading and unloading of goods;
Packaging, sorting, weighing, selection;
Marking with control marks, pasting of wrappers;
Preparation of goods for transportation;
We offer an opportunity to rent warehouse premises.
Logistics services:
One of the main activities of the company is transportation of cargoes and their consolidation in our customs warehouse:
Main regions:
Europe, Russia, Belarus;
Asia(China, Taiwan);
Customs broker service:
Representation at customs;
Filling-in of import, export, general and transit
Filling-in of freight documents (TIR Carnet, ATA Carnet, CMR, etc.);
Submission of guarantee letters for import taxes;
Freight clearance in Russia;
Price: 0.99 Eur/cbm
FIATA „Federation Internationale del Associations de Transitaires et Assimiles“
Payment: Other
Looking for: The company looking for manufacturer and intermediaries (agents, representatives, distributors)
Category: Transport services and logistics , Category: Warehousing and customs