Magic Light Easel
Description: Magic light easel (MLE) is a unique product meant for art, self-expression and therapy spheres. The edges of transparent glass glows in the dark and every dab one makes on the glass surface - becomes enlightened. People can draw on the easel from both sides at the same time using their fingers, various brushes , non-permanent markers and in many other ways.
Moreover, a person can choose what colour light the easel will shine. There are 16 colours and 4 automatic colour change programs. The same painting will change like chameleon just by switching the light colours on the easel.
Magic light easel can be painted, cleaned and painted again as many times as you wish. In order it would be more comfortable to clean it, we made the glass detachable, so you could take it out, wash and put it in again.
As well Magic light easel with your painting or inscription on it can be used as a night lamp, which let’s the child go to sleep without the fear of the darkness.
The price does not have delivery included.
Price: 95.59 Eur/pcs
Payment: Bank
Category: Consumer goods , Category: Toy