Pre-insulated pipe systems for heating and cooling
Description: "NEP" is a specialized company which is engaged in isolation of steel pipes and systemic elements of pipelines with firm polyurethane foams (PUR). Fields of application: underground and overground heat supply, cold supply, steam supply, product supply. Besides, NEP is certified assembler of heating routes and performs planned repair of pipelines as well as eliminates accidents.
Price: 1.00 Eur/cbm
According EN253, EN448, EN488, EN489.
Sertificates:ISO 9001:2008 ;ISO 14001:2005 ;BS-OHSAS 18001:2007 ;Nr. SPSC-9021 and Nr. SPSC-9057.
Euroheat&Power ;Sertificates for Russian Federation market.
Payment: Bank
Looking for: buyers,contractors,partners,dealers,customers etc.
Category: Building materials , Category: Insulation material